Welcome to IT4Sm.Art

Here you will find interesting news, articles, technologies, professional training, and much more about Digital Services, Project Management, Agile, Software Development, Cloud, and related issues.

You will also learn English Tips to use IT terms and exchange information with our community.

Enjoy it!

Wellington L Gaboardi


This is a blog dedicated to IT professionals who are curious like me and love to invest their time learning about digital services, new technologies, frameworks, and tools, or even read interesting content, whether simply to stay more updated or even to know and apply it at work or at home.

My name is Wellington L Gaboardi. I'm Brazilian and I've been working in IT for over 25 years. My favorite hobby is learning new things and putting them into practice taking the best of each learning. With a Technical degree in Data Processing, with two postgraduate degrees in Computer Networks and IT Governance respectively, and recently have finished another degree in Accounting Sciences, I have already worked at prominent companies in Brazil, in the area of Human Resources, Health, Education, and currently working to Federal Government (Labor Justice) for over 18 years.

Digital Transformation

Discover how to apply digital transformation in your organization for better results

Digital Transformation

Explore the dynamic realm of digital transformation and its profound impact on both private and public companies. In today's fast-paced world, embracing digitalization has become a necessity for organizations seeking to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and competitive landscape.

Avoiding waste resources

At its core, digital transformation entails integrating digital technologies into various aspects of business operations, resulting in enhanced efficiency, productivity, and overall performance. The benefits are manifold, with one of the primary advantages being the reduction of waste resources. By streamlining processes and eliminating paper-based workflows, organizations can significantly minimize their environmental footprint while optimizing resource allocation.

Create a DTO

Creating a Digital Transformation Office (DTO) is a strategic step for organizations seeking to embrace digitalization and drive successful digital transformation initiatives. The DTO serves as a centralized hub responsible for guiding, coordinating, and executing digital transformation efforts across the organization.

Roles for Digital Transformation Office

In a Digital Transformation Office (DTO), various roles exist to support and drive digital transformation initiatives within an organization. The specific roles and responsibilities may vary depending on the organization's size, structure, and digital transformation goals. Here are some common roles found in a DTO: Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Project Manager, Digital Strategist, Data Analyst, Change Management Specialist, Techonologys Architect, UX/UI Designer, Data Privacy and Security Specialist, Training and Development Specialist, Communication Specialist.

Challenges for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can bring about numerous benefits, but it also presents several challenges that organizations need to navigate effectively. Some common challenges for digital transformation include: Resistance to Change, Legacy Systems and Infrastructure, Skill Gaps and Workforce Readiness, Data Management and Security, Integration and Interoperability, Cultural and Organizational Alignment, Scalability and Flexibility, Strategic Planning and Execution, CX and Adoption, Regulatory and Compliance Issues.

Main benefits for the Environment

Digital transformation offers several key benefits for the environment, making it an essential tool in driving sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of organizations. Here is a summary of the main benefits for the environment through a Digital Transformation Office (DTO): Reduction of Paper and Waste, Energy and Resource Efficiency, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Remote Work and Teleconferencing, Virtualization and Digital Services, Environmental Monitoring and Reporting, Sustainable Innovation and Product Design, Environmental Education and Awareness.


Project Management, Open Data, Software Development, Management

What is PMP?

In summary, PMP is a prestigious certification that validates a project manager's expertise, ensuring they possess the necessary skills to lead successful projects and contribute to the overall success of their organizations. Having the PMP certification not only enhances a project manager's credibility but also opens up new career opportunities and increases earning potential. It is highly regarded by employers and organizations worldwide, making PMP-certified professionals sought after in various industries and sectors.

See more at PMI Website

Agile x Cascade. Which one is the best?

Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between the two depends on the specific needs and characteristics of a project.In essence, there is no "one-size-fits-all" answer to which methodology is best. The choice depends on the project's complexity, level of uncertainty, team dynamics, and customer requirements. Some projects may benefit from a combination of both methodologies (Hybrid approach), taking advantage of Waterfall's structured planning in some areas and Agile's adaptability in others.Ultimately, successful project management relies on the understanding of the project's unique characteristics and the appropriate selection of the methodology that best aligns with its goals. Project managers and teams must be open to evaluating their specific needs and making informed decisions on whether Agile, Waterfall, or a combination of both will lead to the most successful outcomes.

See more at Forbes Website


Leadership is a critical element in conducting IT projects successfully. An effective leader in the IT realm plays a pivotal role in guiding the project team, aligning their efforts with the project's objectives, and overcoming challenges throughout the project's lifecycle. leadership is indispensable to conducting IT projects successfully. A competent leader brings vision, direction, and effective communication while nurturing a motivated and skilled team. They navigate complexities, manage risks, and adapt to changes, ultimately contributing to the project's efficiency, innovation, and overall success.

See more at McKinsey Website


Click on the link for more details
Approaches Cloud Data Science Databases
Blockchain AWS Firebase
Business Analysis GCP Matlab MongoDB
Data Analysis Microsoft Azure PowerBI MySQL
Data Structures and Algorithms Go Oracle RDBMS
Machine Learning PyTorch PostgreSQL
Portfolio and Project Management Tableau Redis
Product Management TensorFlow
Software Development Process

DevSecOps Frameworks Languages Libraries/Methodologies
CircleCI Angular .Net Core 5S
DevOps Django ASP.NET BDD
DevOpsSec Ember.js Android FDD
Docker Express Android + Kotlin Kanban
Heroku Flask C Lean Inception
Kubernetes Flutter C# PMBoK
Netlify C++ Lean Inception
Elixir Six Sigma
Golang Scrum
iOS Swift TDD
Ruby on Rails

Services Testing Others
Apache Airflow Jest Bash/Shell
Apache Spark JUnit
Apollo GraphQL Selenium
Spring Boot

English Tips

Learning technical English terms for everyday use

Project Management Terms

Project (English) - Projeto (Portuguese)
Scope (English) - Escopo (Portuguese)
Stakeholder (English) - Partes interessadas / Stakeholders (Portuguese)
Milestone (English) - Marco / Etapa (Portuguese)
Risk (English) - Risco (Portuguese)

Software Development Terms

Code (English) - Código (Portuguese)
Debugging (English) - Depuração (Portuguese)
Algorithm (English) - Algoritmo (Portuguese)
Testing (English) - Teste (Portuguese)
Deployment (English) - Implantação (Portuguese)

Management Terms

IT Management (English) - Gestão de TI (Portuguese)
Service Level Agreement (SLA) (English) - Acordo de Nível de Serviço (Portuguese)
Incident (English) - Incidente (Portuguese)
Change Management (English) - Gerenciamento de Mudanças (Portuguese)
IT Infrastructure (English) - Infraestrutura de TI (Portuguese)

Meeting Terms

Agenda (English) - Pauta (Portuguese)
Minutes (English) - Ata (Portuguese)
Action Items (English) - Itens de Ação (Portuguese)
Discussion (English) - Discussão (Portuguese)
Presentation (English) - Apresentação (Portuguese)